FAVORITES: My all time favorite artwork I have done

This was a doodle I did in 2016 during my psychology lecture. I love how nice this doodle turned out. Usually, my doodles are never that good. (Spring, 2016)

I had taken a break from art and doing realism for awhile but one summer day in 2015, I decided to draw The Flash and would've never guessed that it would turn out like this. It's my favorite realism piece because of how well I was able to do the shading and get it to look realistic despite the fact that it's been awhile since I did a drawing like that. (July 2015)

BIGBANG's (Kpop group) eyes. My first ever commission piece that I finished. It's my favorite because it was stepping out of my comfort zone. I don't usually draw male eyes or commission work. I don't know why but I'm more comfortable doing female eyes. (September 2015) Plus, this got over 700+ notes on Tumblr which really surprised me!

First and only time I was able to get a drawing of hair to look this nice! It was really came out of nowhere. I got bored and didn't want to do homework so I decided to practice hair. I can't believe I was able to shade the hair so well! (Fall, 2012)

Done back in 2014 (I believe) and it was when I was playing around with watercolors and messed up so I created this. I call it "We cry in colors" because I believe that when people cry, it tells you so much about how they are at the moment. (Late 2014)

I love drawing birds because it seems to be the only thing I can do right with colored pencils (haha). Not the best quality but most of my pencil bird drawings are not with me anymore (sad face). (2013-2015)

(Last updated September 29, 2017)

I will continue to add to this list as I go along!

But this is all for now!

Byeeee ––



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